Nourish your way to a healthy pregnancy, sooner.

Trying to conceive a baby can be challenging.

It's time to GROW your fertility naturally through wellness practices with 12 weeks of Natural Fertility Support.  Tailored to suit your concerns, your life, and your dreams.

Ileana Kapic


Fertility Wellness Coach  |  Reproductive Biologist


Embracing science and support to make you bloom.


preconception care program empowered conception with ileana kapic reproductive biologist, fertility coach and fertility doula infertility, pregnancy loss, trying to conceive, fertility support, implantation ivf
preconception care program empowered conception with ileana kapic reproductive biologist, fertility coach and fertility doula infertility, pregnancy loss, trying to conceive, fertility support, implantation ivf
preconception care program empowered conception with ileana kapic reproductive biologist, fertility coach and fertility doula infertility, pregnancy loss, trying to conceive, fertility support, implantation ivf
preconception care program empowered conception with ileana kapic reproductive biologist, fertility coach and fertility doula infertility, pregnancy loss, trying to conceive, fertility support, implantation ivf
preconception care program empowered conception with ileana kapic reproductive biologist, fertility coach and fertility doula infertility, pregnancy loss, trying to conceive, fertility support, implantation ivf
preconception care program empowered conception with ileana kapic reproductive biologist, fertility coach and fertility doula infertility, pregnancy loss, trying to conceive, fertility support, implantation ivf
preconception care program empowered conception with ileana kapic reproductive biologist, fertility coach and fertility doula infertility, pregnancy loss, trying to conceive, fertility support, implantation ivf
preconception care program empowered conception with ileana kapic reproductive biologist, fertility coach and fertility doula infertility, pregnancy loss, trying to conceive, fertility support, implantation ivf
self-care retreat ileana kapic no button
Join us for a FREE 7 day Online

Self Care for Fertility Retreat

Monday October 21-27, 2024


The aim of fertility wellness is better fertility and changing the trajectory of your family's health and wellbeing for life.

Your greatest opportunity to make a difference in your baby’s health is to better the environment in which they will develop and grow.

Often by the time many women discover they are pregnant, the baby already has a heartbeat and is developing vital organs.  These early weeks represent very important months of life developmentally and when the foetus is most susceptible to risks.   

It is in these crucial periods in conception and early pregnancy while in your uterus that they are very sensitive to environmental exposure and nutritional deficiencies.  

Health in adult life, in reality, starts with nutrition in the womb.  The food you eat before and during pregnancy, and how you feed your child in the first three years after birth, can protect the child against diseases such as a heart attack, a stroke, or diabetes in later life. 

You have the greatest potential to reduce risks before conception, with the right fertility wellness care. 

Your goal is to decrease toxins and reach optimal nutrition well before your baby arrives in the womb, ideally before sperm are made and your eggs begin to mature.  This means getting your body baby-ready several months before you want to conceive.

You can do this by incorporating a tailored fertility program, with a healthy diet and balanced lifestyle now.  Working to improve your wellbeing in key areas that science has shown to have a positive effect on your fertility.

Natural Fertility Support

CYF 500


12 Weeks of Tailored Fertility Support

Enhance your fertility with effective practices and support.

Nourish your body, balance your hormones, activate your relaxation response, and get your body ready to receive your baby over the next 12 weeks.  You get a Fertility plan that's based on our signature Empowered Conception pathway yet tailored to meet your unique needs. With 1-to-1 sessions and effective wellness practices that suit you and your life.  Ready to get this baby started?

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Five Week 1:1 Program - Special Introductory Offer

Feeling overwhelmed and need more support?

Your path to fertility has become hard and you're looking for the right support.  A more positive journey starts with nurturing you.   Have the emotional support you deserve with 3 x 1-to-1 sessions and wellness practices to soothe your heart and calm your nervous system, based on your needs right now.  Ready for a more supported path?  

self care for fertility retreat image ileana kapic from heartshapedlife

7 DAY self-care FOR FERTILITY retreat

Free Online Retreat 21-27 October, 2024

Need some soothing practices on your fertility journey?

Join us as I guide you through a week of embracing self-care to nurture your emotions and your fertility.  This Retreat is only offered twice a year.  Join the waitlist now and be the first to be emailed the date of the next retreat, have the first chance to register, and have early access to join and access the expiring bonus!


Her knowledge and expertise as a reproductive scientist and her in-depth understanding of holistic wellness have resulted in compelling, evidence-based fertility and preconception care programs that are changing lives.

Nicolas Maurice
Principal Chiropractor, Lisburn Chiropractic Clinic

We chose to do the 12-week Cultivate Your Fertility Program and had the best sperm numbers and quality, good quality eggs retrieved, and the greatest number of healthy embryos we've had in our five years of trying IVF.

Happy to be Trying Again
Canberra, Australia

Ileana listens and holds space in a way that powerfully allows me to process the physical and emotional challenges that I face. 

She has been insightful and motivating in breaking down mental obstacles into meaningful steps that allowed me to set goals, feel inspired and focused, find clarity in my daily path and take direct action.

Melbourne, Australia

Ileana is a wonderful woman who I trust implicitly. I couldn’t recommend a more empathetic and compassionate person who approaches families undergoing such personal difficulties with professionalism, good nature and humour, than Ileana. The way Ileana relates to people is second to none. Having worked together at Prince Henry's Institute of Medical Research, I know she understands fertility, having been involved in reproductive endocrinology for over 15 years. But she truly comes into her own with her people skills. I couldn’t recommend her enough.

Mark McCabe PhD
Senior Research Fellow, Garvan Institute of Medical Research.
Senior Lecturer, School of Medicine UNSW

Ileana is committed and very passionate about her work in fertility and preconception care and does an exceptional job of sharing her wealth of knowledge in reproductive wellbeing with others.

Simon Borg-Olivier
Master Yogi, Physiotherapist, Lecturer, and Co-creator of the Yoga Synergy Method.
Co-Director, YogaSynergy

The support Ileana provided helped change my diet, exercise, and most importantly my mindset and a tool-bag of strategies continue to increase the resilience in other areas of my life.  I feel calm and strong.  I felt incredibly supported and became pregnant with my healthy baby girl.

Melbourne, Australia

Hello, I'm Ileana!


I'm one of the world's only reproductive biologists focused on growing your fertility naturally by improving your health with healthier habits.

I have a unique mixture of research experience in a world-class institute, professional wellness training, and experience coaching women through lifestyle changes - specific changes that help grow your fertility.

I'm also a mother who went through challenges and loss to have my two children.

You work with me from wherever you are in the world, I'll walk you through the process step by step, hand in hand.

I'm here to serve and support you.

Ileana xx

ileana Kapic reproductive biologist fertility coach fertility doula offering preconception care programs

PRECONCEPTION wellness CARE - Let's Start with Science

Reproductive technologies have helped many couples have a baby, but  

That’s not all that modern science has to offer, the amount of evidence on the importance of a healthy lifestyle on fertility and health outcomes continues to grow.

While we might be limited in how much we can change when it comes to hereditary factors, what you do have some control over is sperm health, supporting egg maturation, and creating a more welcoming womb environment for sperm and the fertilised egg to implant.

Unhealthy lifestyle habits reduce your fertility by damaging sperm DNA and creating less favourable conditions in your uterus for implantation.  However, a healthy lifestyle is associated with enhanced fertility and health outcomes, regardless of whether conception occurs naturally or in vitro, like in IVF.

Positive lifestyle habits improve your chances of:
Getting pregnant
Having a healthier pregnancy
Carrying your baby to term
Having a healthy baby
Recovery after birth

Changing your lifestyle habits is the perfect place to start, especially for older couples, unexplained infertility, and those wanting the best health outcomes for their babies.  For some couples, these modifications will have made enough impact to not need further treatments.  

preconception care program empowered conception with ileana kapic reproductive biologist, fertility coach and fertility doula infertility, pregnancy loss, trying to conceive, fertility support, implantation ivf


Empowered Conception’s Preconception Care Programs have been developed from evidence-based findings across a range of disciplines.  I've created the Pillars of Fertility wellbeing to help you integrate them into your life.

preconception care program empowered conception with ileana kapic reproductive biologist, fertility coach and fertility doula infertility, pregnancy loss, trying to conceive, fertility support, implantation ivf


I translate science and wellness principles into actionable steps in your life to improve your fertility.  I will provide couples with tools and strategies to both nurture you and your fertility.

preconception care program empowered conception with ileana kapic reproductive biologist, fertility coach and fertility doula infertility, pregnancy loss, trying to conceive, fertility support, implantation ivf


I will hold space for you, so you feel heard and validated.  I will encourage and motivate you when you need it with emotional support and coaching.  The support you need when you need it.


Send me a message and I'll get back to you soon.

Whether you're just starting to try, or already using natural or medical treatments, you can ENHANCE YOUR FERTILITY with the guidance and support you deserve, so you can have a HEALTHIER baby sooner.