I want to say, hey you’re not alone. Most of us who’ve walked this road understand what it's like. What you probably need the most right now is a little restorative tender loving care (TLC). Self care is about creating moments to unwind, fill your tank, and give you the reserves you need to keep going.

You’ve come this far on your fertility journey and you're frustrated. The road has been more challenging than you ever anticipated. You’re tired of the tunnel, but you’ve still got a way to go. I know I’ve been there.

It’s moments like these that it can be beneficial to take a pause and take a moment to replenish your tank. A moment to unwind, to eat better, or to muster the strength and courage to keep going, even when it feels hard, especially then.

There are times that self-care feels like a luxury that we skip to fit other things in. But what if I told you it’s not a luxury, it’s a necessity when you’re TTC. What if it helps you replenish, and gives you the energy that it takes to dedicate time to things that will nurture your fertility?

Like those lifestyle factors, the experts tell us can improve fertility.

For starters, avoiding those things that don’t help. Whether it’s a drink, junk food, a cigarette, fast food, an extra coffee or two, or skipping your physical activity. The things you do because it’s been a rough week, month, or year of trying to conceive. You’ve been through so much already and got nothing left to give. So, you give in.

The aim here is to restore your sense of wellbeing and fertility. I’ve created this guide with some ideas, that I hope will make it a little easier for you to begin. I know you’re probably keen to start getting busy ‘fixing’ your fertility. We’ll get to that. In each one of my programs, we start with you. It's a wonderful place to start I promise.

From all my research through wellness studies, coaching, and my own experience and with my clients, here are some strategies that I recommend. Have a play with them, mix them up, and see what works for you.

Self Care is not a luxury. It's a necessity when your TTC.

This is the welcome page from Self-Care When You're Trying to Conceive Guide.  Get your complimentary copy of the guide, by Reproductive Biologist and Fertility Coach Ileana Kapic, here.

Would you like to join a community of women, who are just like you, looking for support and what you can do to improve your fertility?  Come and join us here at Fertility TLC for A Positive Approach to Restoring your Fertility.

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